Charles Massonnet Award 2024
On behalf of the European Convention of Structural Steelwork I would like to present the nominee for the Charles Massonnet Award for this year.
The Charles Massonnet Award was established by the ECCS in 1998 to recognize a prominent scientist who has made a significant contribution to the advancement of scientific and technical support for structural steelwork and who has served or is serving as a full member of an ECCS Technical Committee, as chairman or secretary of one of the mentioned committees.
Now a short presentation of this year's nominee
This year's nominee focuses on steel construction, timber construction, and composite construction as a professor but also, as an examiner for various institutions, including the EBA, the Federal Railway Authority or the well-known and respected DASt, the German Committee for Steel Construction.
Vice-Chairwoman of the DIN Steering Committee Division 08 "Steel Construction and Composite Structures" since 2018.
Chairwoman of ECCS TWg 8.3 Plate buckling.
She has been involved in CEN TC250 SC3 with great dedication and has been a valuable link between ECCS TCs and CEN WGs from 2009 to 2022.
She managed the close cooperation between CEN and ECCS with an iron fist for the sake of a safe and well-developed Eurocode 3!
Today we honor a longtime colleague and friend. A woman of steel in a concrete world, a "Grande Dame" respected by her colleagues all over the world for her spirit of consensus and her high competence.
She is a lady. She comes from Stuttgart to receive her prize. She was unanimously nominated by the ECCS Board of Directors.
Ladies and Gentlemen, as President of the ECCS, it is a great honor and pleased to thank sincerely and reward with this souvenir our 2024 Charles Massonnet Awardee.