Valorisation of knowledge for European prequalified steel joints
This proposal aims at the valorisation and the dissemination of the results achieved within the recently completed RFCS project EQUALJOINTS+, where seismic prequalification of steel joints has been developed. In order to fully exploit the potential of the European prequalification charts, design-oriented documents (guidelines, handbook, tools and design examples) were produced in 12 different languages, and distributed among the partners of steel construction sectors, including all academic institutions, engineers and construction companies.
A software and an app for mobile to predict the inelastic response of joints was developed. Moreover, workshops and seminars were organized all over Europe and in USA for presenting material and sharing knowledge.
The 12 languages are English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Czech, Bulgarian, Romanian, Greek, and Slovenian.
All information are available on this website and a You-Tube channel was created to make available the videos of the experimental tests and simulations to show the evolution of damage pattern.

EQUALJOINTS+ is an EU funded programme under RFCS, the Research Fund for Coal and Steel