24 January - 16 February 2023

These 90-minute sessions were dedicated to the presentation of the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structures (Eurocode 3 Design of steel structures Part: 1-3)

Presentations were given by the authors of the Manual Guide


07 December 2021

This webinar was dedicated to the presentation of the European design guide for the use of weathering steel in bridge construction

Presentations were given by the authors of the Manual Guide

The guide is available here.


08 June - 01 July 2021

These 90-minute sessions were dedicated to the presentation of the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structures (Eurocode 3 Design of steel structures Part: 1-3)

Presentations were given by the authors of the Manual Guide


16 February - 11 March 2021

These 90-minute sessions were dedicated to the Eurocode 8 "Design of Structures fro Earthquake Resistance" part 1 "General Rules, seismic Action and Rules for Buildings"

Presentations were given by the authors of the Manual Guide


28 and 29 January 2020

This two-day session was dedicated to the presentation of the Eurocode 8 "Design of Structures fro Earthquake Resistance" part 1 "General Rules, seismic Action and Rules for Buildings"

Presentations were given by the authors of the Manual Guide


27 and 28 May 2019


This two-day course will present the fundamental concepts for fire design of steel structures using Simplified Calculation Methods according to EN 1991-1-2 and EN 1993-1-2 and Advanced Calculation Methods based on the Finite Element Method.

A presentation of the fire resistance of steel members and connections, followed by a full description of the capabilities of the software Elefir-EN, a software for fire design of steel structural members according to Eurocode 3, which is licensed to the purchasers of the ECCS book Fire Design of Steel Structures will be given. The participants, using the software Elefir EN installed in their own laptop computers, will solve examples from the ECCS book. A practical case study, where the calculation of the thickness of the passive fire protection needed for a required fire resistance will be presented.


The main concepts used in advanced models based on the finite element method will be presented. The presentations are not oriented to code developers; the objective is to give a better insight view to the users allowing them to make a better utilisation of numerical software. The concepts will be illustrated by some examples run with the software SAFIR®.

Presentations are given by the authors of the Manual Guide.

11, 12 and 13 February 2019


This three-day session is dedicated to the presentation of the Eurocode 3: Design of Steel Structures, Part 1-9 Fatigue 2nd Ed.

Presentations are given by the authors of the Manual Guide.



Table with folders

6 and 7 December 2018

This two-day session is dedicated to the presentation of the Eurocode 8 "Design of Structures fro Earthquake Resistance" part 1 "General Rules, seismic Action and Rules for Buildings"

Presentations given by the authors of the Manual Guide





22 March and 26 April 2018

This two-day session is dedicated first to the presentation of subjects for design applications, including presentations of some relevant model design cases. The first day was dedicated to calculations and detail drawings, accompanied by relevant explanations. Trainees will be attributed cases to prepare and deliver between the 2 sessions. The second day will be for presentations and discussions of results of assessments, followed by a Q/A session.

16 January 2018

Bien que l'acier inoxydable ne soit aujourd'hui pas souvent utilisé en tant qu'élément de structures, ce matériau gagne en popularité. L'acier inoxydable offre en effet de nombreux avantages tant sur le plan mécanique qu'esthétique. On peut penser que, vu son coût initial élevé, il est presqu'impossible que l'acier inoxydable, en tant qu'élément structurel, soit un matériau compétitif par rapport à l'acier carbone. Pourtant les analyses de coût sur le cycle de vie démontrent le contraire. A côté des propriétés physiques et mécaniques et des règles de dimensionnement suivant l'Eurocode 3, les applications de l'acier inoxydable dans le domaine de la construction seront présentées lors de ce séminaire.

Venue : Arsenal Namur - Rue Bruno 11 - 5000 Namur
Organized by Infosteel ([email protected])

The event will be only in French!

8 December 2017

ECCS, the European Convention for Constructional Steelwork, is proud to invite you to its training on the design of cold formed steel structures given by the authors themselves.

WHO SHOULD BE INTERESTED? Architects, engineers, design offices and steel contractors

DON’T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY to improve your knowledge on the subject and meet your business partners!

Contact Sophie DELAIR, ECCS Communications Manager, for any further information. [email protected]

28 November 2017

Hoewel het gebruik van roestvast staal (RVS) als structureel element nog geen primaire keuze is, wint het materiaal de laatste jaren aan populariteit. Zo biedt RVS uitstekende eigenschappen zowel op technisch als esthetisch vlak. De aankoopprijs van RVS kan onterecht laten uitschijnen dat een economisch voordeel in vergelijking met het gekende koolstofstaal niet mogelijk is. Het segment “Life Cycle Cost Assessment” biedt duidelijkheid over de beoordelingsmethoden om correcte conclusies te destilleren in verband met economische voordelen. Het seminarie geeft een compleet overzicht van de eigenschappen van RVS aangevuld met de van toepassing zijnde ontwerpregels. Daarnaast worden succesvolle toepassingen gepresenteerd waaronder de “Passerelles à Lourde” door Greisch.

Venue: Hotel Princeville Breda, Princenhagelaan 5, 4813 DA Breda

23 March 2017

ECCS, the European Convention for Constructional Steelwork, is proud to invite you to its general training on fire design of steel structures.

OF INTEREST FOR Architects, engineers, design offices and steel contractors.

AN OPPORTUNITY to improve your knowledges on the subject and meet your business partners! 









Trainees and trainers

Trainees and trainers
