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Professor J.M. ROTTER was born in Chesterfield, England and graduated at Cambridge University when he was awarded a Commonwealth Scholarship to study in Australia. He got a PhD in civil engineering from the University of Sydney. His main specialty is the Buckling of Shells.
As Chairman of the Buckling Shells Group, he has been publishing up to five editions of the well-known ECCS Technical Report “European Recommendations on Shell Buckling”.
Professor Rotter has published over 330 papers and produced more than 60 investigation reports on failures. He is member of a long list of societies and organizations, such as Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Convenor of various CEN TC250 sub committees and many others.
Jouko KOUHI is expert in Connections, welding, stability and fatigue of steel structures. He has been an active member of various ECCS Technical Committees since 1979, working on ENV 1993 part 1.8 from 1999 to 2002.
Recognised both at National and European level, Advisor for more than 18 different national and European organizations and Institutions such as
Despite his retirement, Jouko Kouhi is an untiring advisor/worker who is frequently seen around in the offices of the Finnish Construction Steelwork Association.
Frans BIJLAARD, Professor of steel structures at the Faculty of Civil Engineering & Geosciences at Delft University of Technology. His main specialties are on stability of steel structures, structural behaviour of joints in steel structures and design of greenhouses.
From 2000 to 2007 he was chairman of the Dutch organization "Bouwen met Staal". He was Chairman of the ECCS-Technical Committee "Structural Connections" from 1998 till end of 2012 and continued after that as member.
In addition to this, he was chairman of CEN-TC250-SC3 "Eurocode 3: Design of Steel Structures" from beginning of 2001 till end of 2009. Up to now he has been promoter of 10 researchers all over Europe. He is still active professionally by providing advisory services and organizing advanced courses in his country and in Europe.
The involvement of Professor Jean Pierre MUZEAU in Education and his strong motivation in promoting the use of steel in construction over his career have to be underlined. He has been qualified as “Passeur de Connaissances” (Ndt : conveyor of knowledge) by the Members of the Jury who have underlined his prominent role among the young generations of civil engineers.
He is:
Professor Muzeau has been editor or co-editor of 24 books, author or co-author in 15 published proceedings, 50 publications in scientific journals and 77 oral scientific presentations in France and abroad.
Prof. Joachim LINDNER got a 40-year academic career and extensive experience in civil engineering from lateral torsional buckling through contact splices, historical grey cast iron columns, fatigue behaviour, stability design of glass-beams, scaffolding design, crane girders, plate buckling problems, composite beams and columns, corrugated webs, connection problems and imperfection regulations. He signed around 220 publications.
Prof. Lindner became a nationally and internationally known expert in Standardization Organizations as DIN, ISO or CEN and made a great and lasting contribution to European codification. He participated and/or chaired many technical committees, amongst others: DIN 18800-2 and DIN 18800-3, DASt-Guideline 015 and DASt 016. Prof. Lindner was head of the German delegation of CEN/TC 250/SC 3 and member of the related German mirror committee.
For more than 36 years he has been a member of ECCS TC “Structural Stability” and chaired this committee for 16 very successful years. In the USA, he was active in the Social Science Research Council. He also gave advice as an independent expert in special scientific committees in Germany to promote the financial support of research projects, especially within Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft / DFG (German Research Association) and Arbeitsgemeinschaft Industrieller Forschungsvereinigungen / AIF (Association of industrial research corporation). Furthermore, he successfully worked at the Deutsche Institut für Bautechnik (DIBt) in SVA Expert Committees (Sachverständigenausschüssen).
Professor Reidar BJORHOVDE has an impressive academic background, including two Ph.D. in the area of Civil Engineering, and a remarkable professional career which includes several years as a Professor in various universities in North America. He also been the Director of Bjorhovde Group since 1998.
Professor Bjorhovde also has an exciting research work, being author of more than 300 archival publications. His study of column stability and reliability was an international landmark study that yielded what is now known as the SSRC Column Curves.
Professor Carlo URBANO has been active on ECCS committee “Stability of steel structures” since 1975. He has been also present on CEN, IABSE, SSRC committees. Graduated at the Politecnico di Milano in 1963, he dedicated his career to the “Strength of Materials”. He developed scientific research mainly on the general theory of elasticity, stability of elastic equilibrium, response to dynamics and elastoplastic vibrations, shell structures, solutions for steel and reinforced structures. Lately, he has focused his works on the elastic and elastoplastic stability of compressed simple or composed steel members in the presence of mechanical and geometrical imperfections and damages due to cyclic actions. He is the author of an incredible number of papers and publications.
Prof. Ing. Jean-Baptiste SCHLEICH will always be recognised as "Mr Fire” of Europe. He was the leading professor in the development of the "Natural Fire Safety Concept". Under his leadership, the relationship of the fire load to the risk to a structure and its occupants was researched and tested. It is due to his work that structures can now be fire engineered with a significant benefit to the industry, building owners and users.
Prof. J-B Schleich also has had a very considerable influence on the development and production of the Eurocodes and has been the author or co-author of a large number of publications for Eurocodes 1, 3 and 4. He has been the ECCS President on three occasions and the representative of his country on the Executive Board from 1981 to 2006. Chairman of the Promotion Management Board from 1996 to 2003, Chairman of Technical Committee on CAD-Cam from 1993 to 2000, Chairman of Technical Working Group on EC1.2 and 3.
Professor Manfred HIRT had been member of the various ECCS Technical Committees. He wrote more than 130 publications as author or co-author. Director of the Steel Structures Laboratory (ICOM) of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at Lausanne (EPFL), Prof. Hirt was known on the international scene for his expertise in the field of fatigue and fracture mechanics of steel structures, loads and action on structures, structural safety and serviceability and steel-concrete composite construction. In August 2003, he had been elected President of the International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE).
Professor Giulio BALLIO was born in Rome, on 4 March 1940, and graduated in Aeronautical Engineering at the “Politecnico of Milan”, in 1963. He was Ordinario of the Science of Construction at Pavia University and, subsequently, of Construction in Steel at the Politecnico of Milan, where he has also been responsible, since 1985, for the Material Tests Laboratory.
Prof. Ballio occupied various positions at national level as well as at international level. He participated to various ECCS Technical Committees and in the Editorial Board involved in drawing up the European Recommendations for Steel Structures, published in 1978. He is also Member of the Joint Committee for the Planning and Design of Tall Buildings of IABSE (the Working Commission II, Steel, Metal and Timber Structures), ESDEP (member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the European Steel Design Education Program).
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerhard SEDLACEK, was a leading and opinion-forming person in various ECCS technical committees and subcommittees. He was one of the most active person in the European steel research sector as well as in the European codification field. His various activities covered a huge range beginning from intelligent design of steel and composite structures to researching, applying of research results, safety requirements, teaching and training of students and engineers, promotion and developing of steel structures and design tools for a better market share.
Prof. Sedlacek has played an outstanding role in the international development and establishing of the Eurocodes for steel structures, loading and earthquakes. He international aura combined with strong engineering competences initiated most positive effects on the European steel construction developments.
Professor Patrick DOWLING started his working life as an employee of BCSA and subsequently worked both in industry and academia. He was extensively involved with ECCS in plate buckling research and was Chairman of the CEN Eurocode 3 Committee.
Professor Dowling was the "British Steel" Professor at Imperial College London. He has been the author of many books and technical papers on steel construction. Fellow of BCSA, Chairman of the UK Structural Steel Design Awards Judging Panel, Chairman of SCI and Vice Chancellor of the University of Surrey.
When awarded, Professor Federico MAZZOLANI was Director of the “Institute of Technique of Construction” at the Engineering Faculty of Naples, Italy. Born in Milan, in 1938, and graduated in Civil Engineering at the University of Naples, Prof. Federico M. Mazzolani co-operated since 1970 with ECCS, assuming the responsibility of Committee chairmanship. His activity has been characterised by the issue of several fundamental documents, which played a leader role in the development of the European codification at the level of both national codes and Eurocodes.
Prof. Mazzolani is well known for his publications and works on seismic design. He is also very much involved in the International Conference on the “Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas” (STESSA).
Scientific Manager and Deputy General Manager of the French Technical and Industrial Centre of Steel Construction (CTICM), Professor Jacques BROZZETTI contributed highly to the development of the European Steel Construction. He had a long involvement with various research projects including stability problems, composite construction, fatigue and fire behaviour of steel structures. As a result, he had been involved with many Codes and design guides comprising writing activities. He worked with the profession to promote the steel construction on its various aspects.
Professor Jacques Brozzetti has been teaching advanced steel and composite structures at the “Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées”.
Prof. Jan W.B. STARK, from the University of Delft, The Netherlands, had made substantial contributions to the construction industry in general, and more specifically with regard to steel and composite structures. For many years, he had been an active member of CEN and served ECCS in various committees. The Charles Massonnet Award was presented to him to express our gratitude for his high standard and valuable contribution to the steel construction industry.
Close collaborator of Professor Charles Massonnet, Professor René MAQUOI, was awarded in recognition of his efforts for the development of steel and composite construction. Indeed, Professor Massonnet was his “master” and conducted his first step in the ECCS activities.
Oasis of the Light – The Dome of the Louvre Abu Dhabi
Structural engineering firm: Buro Happold
Architectural firm: Ateliers Jean Nouvel, HW architecture
Steel contractor: JV Arabtec, Oger Abu Dhabi, San Jose Waagner-Biro Stahlbau AG, Vienna, AT
Project owner: Tourism Development & Investment Company
Bolt Tower in Ostrava-Vitkovice
Structural engineering firm: EXCON, a.s
Architectural firm: Josef Pleskot - AP Ateliér
Steel contractor: Hutní montáže, a.s. , Mija-Menmark, s.r.o, Ingsteel spol. s r.o
Project owner: Dolní oblast Vítkovice, z.s.
Amager Bakke
Structural engineering firm: MOE A/S
Architectural firm: BIG Bjarke Ingels Group
Steel contractor: Züblin Stahlbau GmbH
Project owner: ARC – Amager Ressourcecenter I/S
Burj Al Arab Terrace
Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Structural engineering firm: Sweco Structures Ltd, Bluetech Finland Ltd
Architectural firm: Sigge Architects, Kudos Dsign
Steel contractor: Admares Ltd
Project owner: Jumeira
Bordeaux Stadium/ Nouveau Stade de Bordeaux
Structural engineering firm: Société EGIS, Société INGEROP
Architectural firm: Jacques Herzog & Pierre de Meuron, Groupe 6
Steel contractor: Fayat Metal: Entreprise Castel & Fromaget
Project owner: City of Bordeaux & SBA
Sartorius Building 13
Structural engineering firm: DREWES SPETH Berantende Ingenieure im Bauwesen
Architectural firm: Bünemann & Collegen GmbH
Steel contractor: Stahl Verbundlau GmbH, Haslinger Stahlbau GmbH
Project owner: Sartorius SIV
Atrium in Office Complex De Resident
Structural engineering firm: Antea Group
Architectural firm: Cepezed
Steel contractor: Heijmans
Project owner: Rijksgebouwendienst
Kimen Kulturhus
Structural engineering firm: Rambøll AS
Architectural firm: Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter, Lusparken Arkitekter
Steel contractor: Skanska Stålffabrikk
Project owner: Skanska Bygg Trondheim
Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology
Structural engineering firm: Afaconsult
Architectural firm: Amanda Levete Arhcitects
Steel contractor: Bysteel, S.A
Project owner: Fundação
Structural engineering firm: Buro Happold
Architectural firm: 3XN
Steel contractor: Smederna
Project owner: Trafikverke
Murat Karamancı Student Center
Structural engineering firm: Werkraum ingenieure
Architectural firm: Ahmet Alatas Workshop
Steel contractor: Algan Celik
Project owner: Robert College
Frantisek Wald concentrates on the connection and fire design of steel structures. He prepared the component model for column bases and the component based finite element model of joints. He works in ECCS Technical Committee 10 - Structural joints and in Project team for preparation of standard - EN 1993-1-8:2020.
He also prepared and validated an analytical model for fire design of roof sheeting using membrane action. After Sept 11, he studied experimentally the robustness of multi-storey building in Cardington during the sevenths fire test on building. He served as Chairman of the EU COST TU action Integrated fire engineering and response (IFER) which focused to cooperation between the research community and fire brigades.
In his career, Frantisek supervised 17 PhD, 117 Master and 125 Bachelor theses. He created Leonardo da Vinci project and educational materials CeStruCo (Continuing Education in Structural Connections) and is currently the manager of Erasmus Mundus Master Program Sustainable Constructions under Natural Hazards and Catastrophic events – SUSCOS_M.
Frantisek works at Czech Technical University in Prague as Professor and Head of the Department of Steel and Timber Structures.
The HPSSR Council focuses on the structures and their joints using bolted and welded connections. Topics of fabrication and execution are included for sustainability assessments of HPSS. For the time being topics of steel metallurgy and welding technology are not included although they are very important.
Prof. Dr. Gang SHI from Tsinghua University,
Prof. F.S.K.Bijlaard, from TU-Delft,
Prof. Dr. M.Veljkovic from TU-Delft.
The Council has to be extended to other partners involved in the steel construction industry.
Prof. Nesrin Yardimci held several positions as a Senior Civil Engineer at General Directorate of State Hydraulic Work between 1966 and 1972. She joined İstanbul Technical University in January 1972 to carry out academic career and obtained a PhD in March 1980.
Since September 2008, Prof. Yardimci has been serving as a Full Professor and since 2012 also as a Chair at Civil Engineering Department, at the Faculty of Engineering at Yeditepe University. She was the Member of the Board at the Faculty between 2011 and 2014 and she represented Faculty of Engineering at the Senate of Yeditepe University between 2015 and 2018.
She was elected as the President of the Board of Directors at Turkish Structural Steelwork Association between 2001 and 2016 and represented Turkey in the Board of Directors at the European Convention for Constructional Steelwork (ECCS) between 2001 and 2018. She was also elected President of ECCS in 2010 and 2015. Prof. Yardımcı is the first female member of the Board of Directors of ECCS and the first and only female President of ECCS.
She worked together with groups made up of İstanbul Technical University’s professionals for ascertainment of damage, repair and retrofitting studies following various earthquakes in earthquake zones in Turkey and she completed various projects auditing and supervising studies.
Her contribution to development of steel solutions after the heavy earthquakes in in Izmit in 1999 was crowned by a renovated school in steel in Kocaeli supported by national and international stakeholders.
When she was the president of TUCSA, she has initiated works to convince the relevant governmental bodies to publish Regulation for Design, Engineering and Execution of Steel Structures starting from December 2006. She has also initiated establishment of TUCSA Academy to organise courses on constructional steelwork for engineers and architects.
Professor Dr Ing PETER SCHAUMANN concentrated on fire design of steel structures and energy supporting structures such as offshore or windmills in his professional life. He was Chairman of ECCS TC3 Fire Design Of Steel Structures from 2002 to 2014. In 2014, he created a new technical committee: TC16 Energy Support Structures – windmills and offshore, one of his passion topic after Fire!
Prof. Schaumann achieved successfully a large number of research in the fields of Fire Safety Engineering, Structural Engineering and Civil Engineering., particularly focused on fatigue resistance of different kind of welded, bolted and grouted connections and design purposes in wind energy support structures. The most recent projects refer to corrosion effects on fatigue.
He has been the Head of the Institute of Steel Construction at Leibniz Universität Hannover, from which he retired in September 2022.
He has been Awarded in May 2022 Honorary Member of the European Academy of Wind Energy. In September 2022, another Award honoured his talent: the Auszeichnung des Deutschen Stahlbaus.
This 13th September 2013 in the frame of the 10th EUROSTEEL conference held in Amsterdam, ECCS honored a long date colleague and friend, who has two passions: fire in structures and wind turbines, more specifically offshore.
Charles Massonnet Award 2024
On behalf of the European Convention of Structural Steelwork I would like to present the nominee for the Charles Massonnet Award for this year.
The Charles Massonnet Award was established by the ECCS in 1998 to recognize a prominent scientist who has made a significant contribution to the advancement of scientific and technical support for structural steelwork and who has served or is serving as a full member of an ECCS Technical Committee, as chairman or secretary of one of the mentioned committees.
Now a short presentation of this year's nominee
This year's nominee focuses on steel construction, timber construction, and composite construction as a professor but also, as an examiner for various institutions, including the EBA, the Federal Railway Authority or the well-known and respected DASt, the German Committee for Steel Construction.
Vice-Chairwoman of the DIN Steering Committee Division 08 "Steel Construction and Composite Structures" since 2018.
Chairwoman of ECCS TWg 8.3 Plate buckling.
She has been involved in CEN TC250 SC3 with great dedication and has been a valuable link between ECCS TCs and CEN WGs from 2009 to 2022.
She managed the close cooperation between CEN and ECCS with an iron fist for the sake of a safe and well-developed Eurocode 3!
Today we honor a longtime colleague and friend. A woman of steel in a concrete world, a "Grande Dame" respected by her colleagues all over the world for her spirit of consensus and her high competence.
She is a lady. She comes from Stuttgart to receive her prize. She was unanimously nominated by the ECCS Board of Directors.
Ladies and Gentlemen, as President of the ECCS, it is a great honor and pleased to thank sincerely and reward with this souvenir our 2024 Charles Massonnet Awardee.