ECCS is the ONLY organisation which brings together the Steel Industry, the Fabricators and Contracting specialists, and the academic world through an international network of construction representatives, steel producers, and technical centres.
ECCS is a federation of 18 national associations of steel constructors as full members. it gathers also associate and supporting members, and since recently company members. This will help a closer cooperation with upstream and downstream players such as architects, civil engineers and companies related to steel construction to seat around the table for the benefit of the whole industry and to enhance discussions between researchers and the industry.
ECCS is a fully service oriented and not-for-profit-organisation.
ECCS has a long history. It was inaugurated in Zürich in 1955, in parallel with the creation of the European Community for Coal and Steel. The Convention became then the ideal platform for the promotion and research of the European Constructional Steelwork industry and paved the way of the present-day European codes and standards through the creation of Technical Committees of experts.
The passionate history of the European Convention is told in a publication relating the whole history of the Institution itself but also the committees, technical and promotional, which founded today’s codes and also the men and women who, all over their careers and research work, largely contributed to the development of the sector.”