28 – 31 October 2018, Ghent
Sixth International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering
During this symposium a special session was dedicated to PROGRESS.
PROGRESS - Provisions for Greater Reuse of Steel Structures
This special session covers the topics concerning the reuse of steel-based components from existing and planned buildings. It is focused on methodologies, tools and recommendations to maximize the environmental and economic potential of the building components through their reuse.
The special session includes three main parts:
1 .The reuse of elements from existing buildings;
2. The design of reusable buildings;
3. The circular economy and environmental impact of reused components.
13 February 2019, Lahti
Lifecycle Thinking Clinic workshop
The Built Environment Lifecycle Thinking Clinic workshop was co-organized with the Finnish Environmental Institute (SYKE) on 13 February 2019 in Lahti.
During this workshop, opportunities for CDW reduction by reuse of building elements were presented, and a CircWaste networking seminar was organized to present the PROGRESS project to the Finnish municipal representatives.
16 May 2019, Barcelona
III FORO Construcción Pro-acero
The Progress workshop was hosted by ASCEM during the Barcelona Building Construmat, on 16 May 2019 in Barcelona.
During the event, the Progress project, which had been selected among 23 finalists, was awarded the First Prize in the category Innovation !
13 June 2019, Timisoara
Reuse of steel cladding systems
The 16th edition of the National Conference on Steel Structures (CM16-2019) took place in Timișoara (UPT), during the period 13-14 June 2019, organized by the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Politehnica University of Timişoara, Department of Steel Structures and Structural Mechanics (CMMC), together with the Romanian Academy – Timisoara Branch, Centre for Fundamental and Advanced Technical Research (CCTFA) and in collaboration with the Association of Metal Construction Producers from Romania (APCMR).
In addition to the conference sessions, on 13.06 afternoon, the results obtained in European research project PROGRESS were presented.
The invited speaker is Markus Kuhnhenne from RWTH Aachen University with the title of the presentation entitled: Reuse of steel cladding systems.
Useful links: Facebook page / Facebook event
8 October 2019, London
Reuse of steel structures and the circular economy
This specific workshop will be held in London on 8 October 2019 and will present the findings from two EU-funded research projects (REDUCE and PROGRESS) investigating design for deconstruction and reuse of steel structures. The seminar will cover a range of topics linked to steel reuse including demountable sheer connection systems, standardisation and demountable structural connections, sampling and testing protocols, legal and commercial aspects and guidance.
It will also launch the new Protocol for reusing structural steel.
Speakers' biographies available here.
21-22 November 2019, Coimbra
XII Conference on Steel and Composite Construction
The XII Conference on Steel and Composite Construction was held in Coimbra - Portugal, on 21st and 22nd of November 2019.
The conference was organized by Associação Portuguesa de Construção Metálica e Mista (CMM) and had as main objective the dissemination of the innovations and achievements in this type of construction, seeking to contribute decisively to the consolidation and expansion of the sector. This edition had as its special theme "Steel Structures as the Answer to the Climatic Changes".
During the conference, a special symposium was be dedicated to PROGRESS (Provisions for Greater Reuse of Steel Structures). This special session covered the topics concerning the reuse of steel-based components from existing and planned buildings. It focused on methodologies, tools and recommendations to maximize the environmental and economic potential of the building components through their reuse.
20 March 2020, Hoofddorp - CANCELLED (Covid19 crisis)
Seminar Circular construction with steel
The aim of the workshop was the knowledge dissemination of theoretical backgrounds and practical solutions for circular construction with steel.
The scope is architectural and civil applications, focussing bes on single-storey buildings, with building types such as industrial buildings, factory sheds and distribution centers.
The first part (in the English language) was to present the results of the European PROGRESS research project.
After the break, lecturers were to discuss the Dutch situation with lectures on national regulations and example projects. This second part of the afternoon was planned to the official language Dutch.
More information and programme are available here.
29 April 2020, Paris - CANCELLED (Covid19 crisis)
PROGRESS workshop
The PROGRESS project will provide methodologies, tools and recommendations on reusing steel-based components from existing and planned buildings. The project particularly targets the design for deconstruction and reuse of envelopes, loadbearing frames, trusses and secondary elements of singlestorey buildings framed in steel. This building type has broad applicability as industrial, commercial, sports, exhibition, warehouse facilities, and shows most potential in suitability for reuse and viability for circulareconomy business models.
The whole life benefits of reusable single-storey steel buildings will be quantified from environmental and economic viewpoints. The outcomes will be extensively disseminated, in particular among manufacturers, designers, contractors and researchers.
12 May 2020, Brussels - CANCELLED (Covid19 crisis)
The final workshop will be held in Belgium together with ECCREDI (European Council for Research, Development and Innovation in the Construction sector) member associations such as ACE (Architects Council of Europe), FIEC (Federarion of Construction Industries), ECCE (European Convention for Civil Engineers), and others, in Brussels on 12 May 2020 (Registration by 05/05/20).
More information is available here:
7th, 14th, 21st and 28th May 2020
Timing: 1100-1230 BST (1200-1330 CEST) (1300-1430 EEST)
An important aspect of PROGRESS is dissemination of the work undertaken and importantly, the findings. These were envisaged as a series of workshops throughout Europe however, given the restrictions imposed as a result of the COVD-19 pandemic, ECCS and SCI organised and hosted instead a series of free webinars during May.
7th May 2020 PROGRESS webinar 1 Reusing existing, single-storey steel buildings
Scope of webinar:
- Introduction and context
- Pre-deconstruction audits (VTT)
- Reusability of existing structural steel including sampling and testing strategies, SCI Protocol P427 and CE marking (SCI)
- Reusing existing envelopes (RWTH)
14th May 2020 PROGRESS webinar 2 Design of new single-storey steel buildings for reuse
Scope of webinar:
- Introduction and context
- Design of new single-storey buildings for reuse (SCI)
- Demountable and reusable envelope systems (RWTH)
- Application of BIM to facilitate reuse (VTT)
21st May 2020 PROGRESS webinar 3 Life cycle assessment and reusability assessment of single-storey steel buildings
Scope of webinar:
- Introduction and context
- Reusability assessment (VTT)
- Environmental assessment of steel reuse and recycling (SCI)
- LCA and LCC case studies (UPT)
- Business models for steel reuse and the prototype steel reuse portal (SCI)
28th May 2020 PROGRESS webinar 4 Overview of the EU project PROGRESS
Scope of webinar:
- Summary of the research project PROGRESS (VTT, Petr)
- Experiences and lessons learned from the past (UPT, Viorel)
- Good practices in design for reuse (SCI)
- Benefits of steel reuse for the construction industry and EU strategies (VTT, Petr)